Professional area

Information for tourism professionals
For hosts

Tourist tax

A real tourist tax has been instituted by the Community of Communes Bazois Loire Morvan throughout its territory.

You are a host, you collect tourist tax from tourists who stay with you.
To simplify the declaration and payment procedure for you, a platform has been set up. Follow this link to declare and pay your tourist tax:

Boost your visibility

Reserve your advertising insert in the 2025 Destination Magazine now!

In order to increase the visibility of your offer, the Tourist Office offers you to purchase an advertising insert in the next edition of the destination magazine. Two types of inserts are offered to you in this magazine published in 4000 copies and available in spring 2025, as well as in digital and translated versions on our website. 

Help with classification of furnished tourist accommodation

In order to encourage owners of furnished tourist accommodation to qualify their offer and benefit from the star classification, the Tourist Office Rives du Morvan and the Bazois Loire Morvan Community of Communes are implementing a system to cover the cost of classification up to 30%, within the limit of 5 accommodations per owner per year and within the limit of the annual envelope ceiling.

The classification is a voluntary process that attests to a certain level of quality of the services offered to customers. From 1 to 5 stars, the classification is awarded for a period of 5 years, following an inspection visit of the property.

To learn more, download the accompanying file for the classification.


Find here the latest trends in the tourism economy in the region.

Activity Report

Discover the actions carried out by the Tourist Office, in conjunction with its partners, at the service of the destination Rives du Morvan. You will find in these activity reports: quality commitment, reception and information, promotion of the destination, digital, events, network animation, action plan, etc.